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Jambour backups

At Jambour we aim to offer the best service possible. As part of this, one of the services we offer and include in all of our packages is automatic backups.

This means if, say, a webpage's content is changed and you wish to revert it, we can carry this out. Backups are carried out every day automatically by the system and are stored for two days on the server then moved to another computer system for another 5 days.

On top of this, we absolutely must make images of the system to minimize downtime on the occasion that some goes wrong. Unfortunately, this type of backup requires the websites on the server to go down for about 20 minutes. This is why this backup method is only performed once a month. 

As mentioned, the monthly backup is more crucial than the content backups because that allows us to restore the system within about 10 minutes if something were to go wrong. However, there will downtime on your website as a result of powering the system down whilst this is done. 

Keeping your own content to the minimum possible size will help keep backups speedy and efficient.

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